How to clean your cycling glasses?

Few things are more annoying than having dirt or smudges on your cycling glasses. In addition to being a nuisance, it also poses a safety risk for cyclists and other athletes. Which is why we...

Tubeless in 6 steps

Do you want to switch to tubeless, but don’t know how? In this article, we will explain exactly what you need and what steps you need to take. Contents What is tubeless? What do I...

Cleaning your bike without a hose

As a cyclist in a city apartment, it can be a challenge to clean your bike. Imagine you live on the third story of an apartment building in Amsterdam and only have a small balcony...

How to clean your (white) cycling shoes?

Cycling shoes are one of the most important parts of our gear. They provide us with the optimum transfer of all those watts to the drivetrain. Investing in a good pair of shoes is one...

Material check before a bike race

The day of the competition is just around the corner, and you train exactly according to plan in order to show your best form at the competition. You also pay attention to yourself, your health...

How do you lubricate a bicycle chain?

Lubricating your bicycle chain is part of cycling because it is essential for the performance of the drivetrain. We often get questions like: Why should I lubricate my bicycle chain? What do I need to...