Dr. Dry

Waterproof your cycling gear - NOW 40% extra!
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Dr. Dry
Dr. Dry

The only waterproof coating for stretchable clothing.

New edition: now 500ml (40% extra!) in an improved bottle for €19,99, instead of €27,99!

✅ Perfect to make your cycling gear, bikepacking bags, tents or other stuff waterproof.
✅ Keeps the breathability of your gear fully intact
✅ Planet friendly and completely biodegradable

Soaked bib-shorts suck, so does an awesome jacket that is no longer waterproof. Finding your clean clothes all wet in your bikepacking bag wet is not great either. Meet Dr. Dry; a planet friendly spray-on coating that can make any textile waterproof. No more soggy bib-shorts after a rainy ride. No more leaking tents or wet bikepacking bags.


Asegúrate de que la superficie esté limpia y no haya sido lavada con suavizantes u otros aditivos antes de aplicar Dr. Dry. Aplícalo generosamente, asegurándote de que la superficie quede completamente empapada. Esto garantiza que todas las fibras estén recubiertas con una capa protectora, proporcionando los mejores resultados y aumentando la durabilidad. Déjalo secar durante 24 horas antes de su uso.

El efecto del recubrimiento se reducirá aproximadamente un 20% con cada ciclo de lavado. Para maximizar la durabilidad, lava con un detergente suave sin suavizantes ni otros aditivos. Vuelve a aplicar Dr. Dry después de aproximadamente 5 lavados o antes si es necesario.

Meet Dr. Dry; a planet friendly spray-on coating that can make any textile waterproof!

Most coatings create a layer on top of the textile, shutting out rain, but sealing in moisture and heat. The result is an experience close to riding in a trash bag. If you do decide to move around and stretch the fabric, the layer tears, and you get wet anyway.

We have engineered Dr. Dry to be different. The innovative formula coats each individual fiber, maintaining the waterproof properties when the textile is stretched. Because air can still move between the fibers, it maintains the full breathability of your gears.

And don’t worry about it washing off into the environment, it is water based, completely fluorocarbon free and biodegradable.

Customer Reviews

Based on 14 reviews
Ruud Mol (Hoogkarspel, NL)
Good vallue

Works reasonably well.

Kent Benson

What a great waterproofing spray. Dies exactly what it says it does. One bottle sprayed so much stuff from jackets to long winter legs, gloves, shoes and hats.

Timon Eidt (Stuttgart, DE)
First class shizzle

Keeps you always dry!

Lisa Damminger
Gut bei nordischem Schietwetter

Ich habe direkt alle meine Winter-Jerseys
mit Dr. Dry imprägniert. Das Spray lässt sich leicht anwenden und ist sehr ergiebig.
Norddeutschem Nieselregen hält die Imprägnierung problemlos Stand.
In der vergangenen Woche habe ich Dr. Dry dann in Flandern dem ultimativen Härtetest unterzogen. Die Imprägnierung hat sich erstaunlich lang gegen Dreckspitzern und Co behauptet. 👍

Jochen Rinck (Donauwörth, DE)
Geiles Zeug!

Ich hätte nie gedacht, dass das tatsächloch sooooo gut funktioniert. Das Wasser perlt ab wie von einer Gummihaut!