Cleaning your bike without a hose

As a cyclist in a city apartment, it can be a challenge to clean your bike. Imagine you live on the third story of an apartment building in Amsterdam and only have a small balcony...

Material check before a bike race

The day of the competition is just around the corner, and you train exactly according to plan in order to show your best form at the competition. You also pay attention to yourself, your health...

How do you lubricate a bicycle chain?

Lubricating your bicycle chain is part of cycling because it is essential for the performance of the drivetrain. We often get questions like: Why should I lubricate my bicycle chain? What do I need to...

Team Jumbo-Visma x Dynamic

This third and final installment of our Tour de France technical partner blogs, is all about Team Jumbo-Visma our longest standing partnership. History of the partnership The partnership between Team Jumbo-Visma and Dynamic exists for...

Flatlands 300

Flatlands 300 The wild adventure is over, and life goes on. But Fernwee is coming with an EPIC video about the Flatlands 300. Make sure you watch this video, because there is a BIG REVEAL...